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In our modern, technological society the immensely powerful pharmaceutical industry has convinced millions of people that health is associated with vitamins and medications.  One has only to reflect on the fact that humanity experienced an explosion in the number of healthy humans long before the first pharmaceutical company made its first pill.  Our predecessors struck a natural balance between rest and exercise, work and leisure, the physical and the spiritual. 

Learn More

Cardiorespiratory Fitness

  • Center for Disease Control and Prevention
    Offers helpful tips on how an individual can incorporate physical activity into everyday activities. It also provides information on how sedentary individuals can begin to increase physical activity without risking injury.
  • Tools to assess the intensity at which an individual is participating in physical activity.
    For beginners, the talk test is a helpful way to analyze the intensity level of the physical activity. CDC website at
  • Mayo Clinic provides this general fitness web page
    that covers topics ranging from why and how an individual should participate in physical activity to common overuse injuries that occur with exercise. Also provided is a walking and running program that is meant to introduce beginners to an exercise routine and advice given by Mayo Clinic experts.
  • Aerobic exercise has been proven to reduce the risks of certain diseases, especially cardiovascular disease. The American Heart Association (AHA) provides information on how aerobic activity reduces heart disease risk, how to incorporate the FITT (frequency, intensity, time, and type) principle into physical activity, and what types of exercise to engage in at various intensities.

Muscular  (Strength & endurance of major muscle groups)

Flexibility (Mobility of limbs and spine)

  • Images of nine stretches that an individual can perform
    while sitting at the office. The Mayo Clinic suggests that an individual stretch every 20-30 minutes at work to prevent the soreness and fatigue that result from sitting too long. In the end, stretching is shown to increase productivity and reduce work-place injuries. Mayo Clinic -

  • Slideshow that visually demonstrates back stretches
    Back injuries affect a significant portion of the American population (around 80%) and are one of the leading work-related injuries. The Mayo Clinic provides a slideshow that visually demonstrates back stretches and strengthening exercises that can prevent back injuries. Mayo Clinic -

Body Weight

  • CDC on Weight Management provides information body weight issues -- losing, gaining, and maintaining weight.

Physical Activity (General)

  • Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology provides general guidelines for maintaining a healthy lifestyle through regular physical activity. Information for all ages.